26 September 2009

MISSION: Doughnut Drop - Take 1... Better make that Take 2

DATE: 09/22/09

LOCATION: Uptown/Northside, Pittsburgh

TIME: Noon

Affiliate Agent WLH certainly had his hands full with this mission and in more ways than one. His idea to make a drop for the workers at the new home of the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team encountered a little hitch.

He writes: "On a rainy Tuesday, I set out with two dozen doughnuts, slogging though town in hopes of dropping the highly visible bag over the construction fence to the toiling workers. On the eve of the G-20, however, security was on red alert, and both the construction guard and a local University officer were eyeing me, I imagine, supposing me an agent of anarchy rather than goodwill.

Their scowls suggested that they suspected my pastry bag really contained something more like a custard bomb or a rabid hamster to thwart their construction efforts.

Deciding to repurpose the mission, I set off in search of new quary, splitting my goodies between Duquesne University staffers and the staff of the brand new Allegheny Branch of the Carnegie Library.

The lively librarians seemed surprised but delighted to find the doughnuts, as I snapped a photo, and ran. Not the most deftly effected mission, but successful enough!"

Secret Agent L confirms the outcome of this mission as great.

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