10 May 2010

MISSION: Doggie-Treat Drop-Off

Raise your hand if you like puppies! This secret agent sure does. And when she got the specifics for a mission completed by Affiliated Agent S, she was thrilled!

Date: 2 May 2010, Sunday

Time: early evening

Location: Affiliated Agent S's neighborhood in Rockville, Maryland

Affiliated Agent S tells us about her mission:

I am lucky enough to live in a lovely little community where people take pride in their surroundings.

As such, there are many doggie-doody stations throughout the community to help pet-owners clean up after their four-legged loved ones and keep the neighborhood beautiful.

I thought it would be fun to leave little baggies of doggie-treats throughout the area, at different doody-stations -- rewards for helping keep the community clean!

While we didn't have any close-calls or near run-ins, it did rain quite heavily that night and the next day, so I do hope the gifts were discovered before they got washed away!

Well done, Affiliated Agent S! Secret Agent L is sure the dog owners were delighted to spot your lovely gifts, and she bets our little four-legged friends were even more excited! Thank you for extending kindness to all living creatures!

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