06 May 2010

MISSION: Mega Mission Follow-Up

Last week, Secret Agent L posted about an email she received from one of her trusty Affiliated Agents regarding an upcoming mission of Significant Size and put a call out for all those interested in participating in this Flash Mob of Kindness. Well, she recently received another email from that same Affiliated Agent in which more details about said mission were revealed. Here are the details from Affiliated Agent M's latest email:

"From the looks of it, SAL, it sounds like there's a lot of interest. If people want to get a hold of me at affiliatedAgentM@gmail.com or DM me on Twitter, I can start sharing the details for this mission.

"If people are wondering, it will take place somewhere in downtown Pittsburgh. If people are still interested in helping out and being a part of something awesome but don't think they'd be able to be "dahntahn" for what ever reason, they can still get a hold of me.

"The plan is for this mission to cheer up some people in downtown Pittsburgh, but the doesn't mean there can't be small armies of people all over the place doing synchronized acts of kindness...anyone interested regardless of location can e-mail me
, and I'll swing through the comments of the first post and poke some of the people there as well.

"Thanks for helping out with this, SAL. It's gonna be awesome!"

Yes, yes it is, Affiliated Agent M. Secret Agent L can hardly wait.

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