When my friends at Boring Pittsburgh contacted me and suggested we work on a collaborative mission, I immediately said, "YES!" The more people in the world who want to combine forces for good, the happier this secret agent is.
The collaborative mission began with instructions for me to retrieve the mission materials at a super secret location. I, of course, complied.
exhibit a:

exhibit b:

exhibit c:
"Let's do this."
I typed up a happy note for my recipients...
...and made sure to include my co-conspirator's logo, as requested:
Location: Shadyside neighborhood, Pittsburgh, PA
Date: Thursday, 17 June 2010
Time: between 5:43 p.m. and 8:27 p.m.
I gotta admit: messing around with people's cars isn't something I enjoy doing. Which is why this was probably the hardest mission I've completed yet. And in broad daylight? Yikes! I worried about not only being seen but also setting off potential car alarms. Can you imagine that? I can just see the headlines now:
Date: Thursday, 17 June 2010
Time: between 5:43 p.m. and 8:27 p.m.
I gotta admit: messing around with people's cars isn't something I enjoy doing. Which is why this was probably the hardest mission I've completed yet. And in broad daylight? Yikes! I worried about not only being seen but also setting off potential car alarms. Can you imagine that? I can just see the headlines now:
"Secret Agent L Nabbed by Police as She Vandalizes Neighborhood Cars with Steelers Paraphenalia."
Nonetheless, I bucked up and began on Alder Street.
Target #1 acquired:
Love this mission! Go L & Boring PGH, whose name is the exact opposite of what they are!
<3 Kristin
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We love you, Secret Agent L! It was a pleasure working with you on this mission. We will definitely collaborate again soon ;-)
my hometown has some diehard sports fans, even though some of our teams havent been faring so well...
this might make for an amazing future mission!
*files idea away*
I LOVE THIS! Well played SAL & Boring Pittsburgh.
Oh how I love this little dose of cheer! I wish you had hit up Bloomfield too! Great collaborative mission!
Great post and wonderfully inventive way to spread good vibes to such a specific audience. Knowing those fans, I bet their hearts welled up with joy upon returning to their cars:)
Nice mission! I can see why you would be a little nervous though, messing with people's cars and all. Glad it all turned out well. Now you just need to soak those feet and prepare for your next day-brightening mission. :)
love love love this :D
This was fabulous! I wish I was in Shadyside at that time. Keep up the good work.
get the hell out, i totally saw the one on walnut and shady! haha. i live very close to there and was walking to the gym monday night and noticed it. I had seen the hairy helmets on another site and was excited to see one in person. funny!
I love it! Good work, SAL & BoringPGH! Keep it up!
This mission should have been submitted to the Whatever It Takes: Steelers Fan Collections, Rituals, and Obsessions display at CMU's Miller Gallery!
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