14 November 2009

Losing Steam

The future of the Secret Agent L project is on shaky ground. Part of me feels it may have run its course. But part of me feels it still has the potential to become even greater. But I cannot do it alone anymore.

I no longer have the financial capabilities to complete the missions.

My Affiliated Agents are no longer participating.

I cannot carry this project alone on my own shoulders anymore.

Perhaps it was a passing fling: exciting at first, everyone on board, and then the reality of the actualy upkeep set in--not just to me, but to those who wanted to participate.

I've been in touch with an amazing contact at one of the biggest non-profits here in the city, and he has graciously (and I do mean GRACIOUSLY) offered to help guide me and point me in the right direction to make this project even better than I could have imagined. But I fear that it's going to be too much for me to carry alone.

I realize that we're all busy, our lives often composed of obligations, other interests, other responsibilities other than those we hold in our hearts.

I'm just not sure how to juggle it all anymore.


Anonymous said...

But you don't have to!!

You know all the other kind ladies out there? Melissa from Operation NICE; Tina Mansfield from String-Ring.com; the folks at HelpOthers.org..

Why not reach out to them and figure out a way to band together? You're all out to do the same mission: to spread kindness.

Heck, I'd even like to be involved somehow. Let's collaborate and figure something out. Why not?

Operation Smiley Face said...

I would hate to see you stop. I love the whole SAL concept. What do you need to be able to continue?

Amy V. said...

When something doesn't work just how I want it to, I have to figure out how to turn it on it's ear. (Not to force it to be what I want, but to view it from another direction.) From what I have seen - things don't just stay the same. Everything is in a state of change - constantly.

Maybe there are ways to do acts of kindness that are free?

Maybe once a month or every couple of months you (or an affiliated agent) work on a publicity angle so more donations come in. (Volunteers and donations go up and down all the time. Trust me, I've helped start a church and have been in several non profit clubs.) Requesting readers help get the word out or blog about you is one way. Newspapers and magazines are another.

Maybe you/affiliated agent write about ideas for others to help spread the cheer. Probably best as a column to keep people coming back for ideas.

As with any project or idea that's worth doing - there will be bumps. Just take a breather and then kick it into a different way around the problem.

I hope this is encouraging and not just a list of to-dos. They're just ideas - take 'em or leave 'em. Don't give up, but decide what YOU want to do and where you want to go with this. Sometimes there are times to step away. But sometimes it just takes another perspective to keep it going - if that's what you want.

Hugs to you!

Arwen said...

I agree! I love the idea and don't want you to stop. I will be willing to do what it takes to keep the missions rolling.

Anonymous said...

I'd hate to see you end this. What you're doing is amazing. If I can help in anyway please let me know.

Lisa said...

It breaks my heart to hear of your stress - I can't imagine this ending, but also don't want you to feel the burden is all on you.

We may not all be able to find the money but we all owe it to ourselves and to each other to find the time.

If nothing else, I hope that the people mentioned in the above blogs (Melissa from Operation Nice, etc.) can continue to find one another on these blogs and strengthen the mission of kindness.

Beyond that, may we each find our own ways to be kind. Letters, a passing kind statement or compliment, lending a helping hand...in secret or not, kindness doesn't have to have a price tag.

Please let me (us) know specifically what we can do to help. I will make the time.

newwife said...

I agree with all the wonderful commenters above and add that I am willing to help out, let us know how and what you need! This is a great blog with a fantastic mission and I am sure there are many willing to help who just are not sure what is needed!

cubeneighbor said...

I would really hate to see you give up. I lurk on here often. Even if all the lurkers worked themselves up to one or two missions EVER, wouldn't it be worth it? I mean, I have gotten ideas for my daughter, who is truly part of a better generation. I can't imagine anything more fulfilling. Just do what you can. That's all I do. I take on the things that seem impossible, and things fall in place. And people are very forgiving because at least YOU TRY. Most don't. And respect those that do that much more.

Anonymous said...

I just found some bubbles you left near the Hillman Library. I was in the most sour mood ever. I was on my way back to work, dreading bringing my current nastiness to the work place. your gift totally brightened my day. I thank you and my fellow workers definitely thank you.

Thanks for spreading the love.

Operation Smiley Face said...

Wow look at that! See how important S.A.L. is? Please don't give it up. The world needs you. :)

Secret Agent L said...

you are all so, so, so lovely.

you've given me the strength to carry on with this project. the money will come, the energy will come, and the kindness will endure.

thank you! i love you all!
