08 November 2009

MISSION: Panera Gift Card

It was Secret Agent L's plan to focus on Hunger Awareness for missions this month. So she thought she'd start out small: a $5 gift card to Panera. She made the mistake, however, of purchasing the gift card and subsequently completing the mission on--you guessed it--an empty stomach. Thus, her blood sugar was low, and she forgot to take the "prep" photos! Doh! So she searched the internet for some stock photos, just to suffice for now.

Regardless, she completed the mission and made sure to snap a final photo of the gift card: right on the windshield of an unsuspecting recipient. And where was this car, you ask? Why, at the grocery store. See, we musn't assume that without homes or jobs are the only ones who may be hungry. Surely, there are our neighbors who go to the grocery store with limited funds, wishing they could afford more food, but can't. To find a gift card to Panera after shopping could very well be an added meal the individual may not have been able to afford.

But Secret Agent L assures her readers and followers that soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and other areas where our less-fortunate neighbors are found will be spots where she and her Affiliated Agents plan to spread kindness.

Date: Sunday, 8 November 2009

Time: 11:43 a.m.

Location: parking garage, Market District Giant Eagle grocery store, Shadyside, Pittsburgh, PA

More missions to come!

1 comment:

uncustomary said...

I just ate chinese and this was my fortune:

"Don't repay a kindness. Pass it on."

Thought immediately of your project and thought I'd share.