29 April 2010

MISSION: International Pay It Forward Day

It's International Pay It Forward Day! This is like Christmas for Secret Agent L. :) Maybe you've seen the movie with Kevin Spacey and Haley Joel Osment? It's all about completing three acts of kindness and having the recipients of that kindness each go out and spread three acts of kindness, and so on and so forth, thereby multiplying the acts of kindness in the world. A brilliant idea, no? Secret Agent L couldn't not participate, so here's one of the little acts of kindness she did.

Some of you may know that Secret Agent L works in the eductation field. And right now, it's Finals Week for a lot of students all over the country. Secret Agent L thought she'd pair her secret agent-y mission abilities with the Pay It Forward campaign. Thus:

1. She purchased a Good Luck card:

2. She wrote a little note inside:

3. She included the Pay It Forward card:

(...marked with her good deed)
4. And plans on leaving it at the library on her way out of the office today.

What did you do for International Pay It Foward Day? Do tell!


Gina said...

I've been holed up in the sickhouse and haven't done anything for Pay it Forward Day, but I'll make up for it. I love Paying it Forward. I always have, but i really became conscious of trying to do so after some amazing strangers helped me out when I was alone in another city and was pick-pocketed. I had no money, no ID, no credit cards and was TERRIFIED. But these folks were so kind and made a huge impression on me.

Pam said...

I had a sudden blah moment and popped over to get some inspiration on this gorgeous day. This post inspired me yesterday, so I figured I'd read it again.

Keep up the awesomeness.
