08 April 2010


I have a hero. I mean, like, really. This person helped inspire me to be more kind and, in turn, to make the Secret Agent L project what it is today. Basically, I want to be her when I grow up. She's the epitome of nice (or, rather, NICE) and has inspired an entire nation to always put kindness first on the priority list. She's got a gazillion followers on Twitter and a gazillion more loyal readers of her site.

This person?

Melissa from Operation NICE.

So why am I writing about her today? Well, I'm asking you all, my wonderful and devoted readers and fans, to please--PLEASE--make Melissa a priority every single day until April 30.

Every day? you ask? Like, isn't that a bit much?

Actually, it's quite simple. All you need to do is vote for her. Once a day. Easy peasy.

Melissa has entered Pepsi's Refresh Project, which gives out $1,300,000 every month (I know!!) to fund great ideas. And who doesn't think that NICE is a great idea?! I mean, c'mon! The voting is super easy. All you have to do is go to this site, register, and then click "Vote for this idea." Once you register, you just re-visit the site each day and click to help Melissa get closer to her dream of making Operation NICE even more amazing than it already is.

And it's pretty amazing, my friends. Just like Melissa.

SO! YOUR MISSION! (Which I'm sure you'll choose to accept!)

Vote for Melissa, once a day, every day, until April 30 when the voting closes. Set reminders on your cell phone. Put Post-Its all over your house. Write it on your forehead. (Yes, I'm serious.) She NEEDS to be in the top 10 to win. And we want her to win, don't we? Also, see the widget below? You can get the code for it here and and put it on YOUR blog, which will, in turn, get Melissa even MORE votes.

We can do this, people. We are, in fact, that awesome. Thank you!!!

Secret Agent L

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You are the BESTEST ever!!!! I am going to give you such a huge hug on July 24th! :-)