After a lunch meeting today, SAL and I set up the plans with Robyn of Dunkin.
MISSION: Donut Delivery Girl
DATE: Thursday, July 29
TIME: 1:15pm
Step 1: Pick up two dozen assorted (including Secret Agent L) donuts from the Dunkin Donuts in Market Square.
Step 2: Choose recipients of each dozen.
The first was fairly simple. Market Square is really coming along; the construction is nearly complete, the lunch tables are up, and the food vendors are out! The second was a bit more difficult; so many great people downtown deserve a treat.
After picking up the donuts, I wandered around Market Square until I spotted a PNC bank. I am donating to a project a friend and her daughter have started, Help Me, Help Others and needed to take care of some banking business.
So I thought, why not just leave a dozen inside for the hardworking staff to enjoy!
I walked in, set the donuts on a little table beside the tellers, finished my business, and walked out, leaving the donuts behind.
The door was even held for me by another teller as I exited. I don't think anyone even noticed the donuts until I left. Awe.some!
Then I headed toward the Blvd. of the Allies. Always a busy place. I saw the sign for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross and knew I had to leave them the second dozen donuts.
I walked in to a very friendly desk attendant but didn't let his greeting deter me. I plopped the bag on the counter and said, "I'm delivering a dozen donuts!" He asked who ordered them to which I responded with my hands in the air in a questioning manner and a peppy, "The Red Cross?!?" Fortunately, this was sufficient enough information. He told me he'd find out who called for them as I quickly thanked him and headed toward the door. I couldn't wait around to answer anymore questions - the SAL card on the boxes would do that.
I snapped his photo, donuts on the counter, as I left the building.
Hope everyone enjoys their afternoon treat from Dunkin and SAL!
that's my girl! thank you, number two!
you. rock.
secret agent l
that's a nice mission....i love it :)
Thanks for mentioning Help Me Help Others! You made her day! She can't believe she got mentioned in Secret Agent L's blog!!
Hi Secret Agent L!
I work for the Red Cross and I have to say that you did brighten our day! Thanks for thinking of us!
If I worked at that bank I would be very suspicious. It's like leaving a suprise bag at the airport.
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