I love to shop. I mean, I'm a girl. Most of us do. But I don't actually do the shopping, since I don't really have any money. Still, window-shopping is fun.
I also love stores like TJ Maxx. And not for the clothes, actually. I love it for its housewares, especially the dishes.
I love dishes. Like, a lot. All kinds. (Well, except ones that have chickens and roosters on them.) I love Spode. I love stuff that looks antique. I love dishes.
When Affiliated Agent M from New Hampshire sent me her mission the other day, I thought, "Oh, how fun it'd be if I was the one who found it! I'd buy dishes in a heartbeat!"
Yup. Her mission involves TJ Maxx and a gift card. Awesome.
Date: Thursday, 5 August 2010
Location: women's dressing room; TJ Maxx; Plaistow, NH
Time: around 6 p.m.
Affiliated Agent M of New Hampshire states:
I can't tell you how many times I've been at TJ Maxx and found a dress, pants, bathing suit, etc that I took into the dressing room and wanted to buy but then realized... it was really $10 more than I wanted to spend that day. That must happen to other people... so I decided to help someone out!
And laid out the package...
Wow that's a really nice TJ Maxx dressing room!
I love it. It brought a tear or two just because that is so darn nice. What a great find for someone.
pretty amazing! =)
I am starting to visit my grandfather in his nursing home more and am coming up with an idea to leave a nifty gift of some sort for another resident at the home. I will let you know once I do! :)
Most people forget about the old folks left at nursing homes...
Some never get any visitors :(
So inspirational you are!
You're a treat!
This is a great idea. I've been in exactly that same spot - just "10.00 less and I could get it". Good for you!
I'm 16 - so I don't really have enough money to buy people gift cards, but when I go into stores - like today when I went to Stein Mart - I brought some stickies with me, and wrote positive notes on them.
Like one that said "you're perfect!" that I placed by the mirror.
I always feel like whoever will see it was meant to see it.
Absolutely extraordinary! I found you through the Montpelier website, your story happened to be front and center. It's wonderful to meet a kindred spirit ~ keep up the great work!!
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