Quarters. I tell ya. They're never around when I need them.
It's the most popular coin out there, and yet, it's so elusive. Whenever I find one (those rare occasions, don't you know), I feel like I've hit the lottery!
Wouldn't it be nice if we found quarters when we really needed them?
Well, Affiliated Agent K (who also calls herself
IslandGrlWriter), thought the same thing as well. Her mission today? Leaving quarters for someone who will probably need them.
Date: Monday, 9 August 2010
Time: 10:45 a.m.
Location: air/vacuum pump; Grand Isle, VermontLet's see what she had to say about her first mission!
I decided to place 8 quarters in a little bag with a note attached that read, "These are for you if you need air but have no quarters."
I placed it at the air/vacuum machine in Grand Isle, Vermont. I live in the country on an Island so it was a little more difficult to find a public place where people gather.
I've been sick lately (nothing life-threatening) and found while I was working on this project, lo and behold, I started to feel better. I'm sure it was because my mind wasn't occupied. I felt like I was on an important mission and felt like a spy. I checked out who was around and if they were paying attention to me or not.

Well done, Affiliated Agent K! And like I always say: Giving has the ability to help heal. Even the person doing the giving. :)
Hope you continue to feel better, Affiliated Agent K! Rest up so you can complete your next mission! We can't wait to see what it is!
This blog is so intriguing. When I have a little free time, I may start my own mission!
Awesome mission! Agent K made someone very happy. I know this because no one would be unhappy after finding that just when they needed it! :D
This is a fabulous mission! Can't say how many times I've run out of quarters filling up tires ~ air should be free, dontcha think? I am sure someone's day was brightened :-)
This was a very thoughtful mission. Love the little bag too! :)
i may have to join your mission. right now I'm busy planning the AFSP Out of the Darkness walk for hte Chicagoland area, to be held 9/25 at the Botanic Gardens, but after that, this sounds like an awesome winter project! L
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