25 September 2010

MISSION: Rest and Unwind

Several years ago, I found a lump in my breast.  It was pretty scary.  I had ultrasounds and doctor exams, all of which told me it was a cyst.  But after an excisional biopsy was done, it turned out to be an atypical papilloma.  It was benign, thank goodness, but it's since increased my risk for breast cancer by five times. I see an oncologist now twice a year, and let me tell you: waiting in the waiting room for those appointments makes me tense and anxious.

Affiliated Agent  KR from Florida is such a kind soul, because she knows all too well the tension associated with waiting around in medical facilities.  Her mission reflects that kindness, and I'm delighted to share it with you all here.

Date: Thursday, 23 August 2010

Location: Osceola Regional Medical Center; Kissimmee, Florida

Time: 2:46 p.m.

She shares her first mission with us:

This was my first mission. YAY! A few years ago, when my mother was in intensive care, I remember spending hours in the lobby ,along with other anxious people, worrying about my mother and watching tired doctors and nurses run up and down hallways.  I know what it feels like to wait in a lobby for hours before visiting a loved one so I decided that I would spread some cheer in a hospital lobby. 

After picking my target I visited my local craft store. I had so much fun picking out the notecard, magnets, chocolate and matching box and ribbon.

I took the goodies home and assembled them into a neat package.

I decided to write a message about relaxing.  It's easy to lose sight of one's needs when a loved one is ill. 

The next day, I went to the hospital and decided to leave the package in the third floor lobby bathroom. The lobby is close to the neonatal unit and the labor and delivery ward.  

I hope that whoever found the package enjoyed it.  They deserve it. 

I'm sure they did, Affiliated Agent KR.  I'm sure they did.

1 comment:

ShoeAddict said...

That is such an awesome place to do this! Hospitals can be scary, stressful places, and I bet this made the person just stop thinking about the stresses of that day, even for a moment.