30 September 2010

MISSION: Read and Relax...On Me!

You guys all know I love to read.  Two degrees in English wouldn't suggest otherwise, right?  I think sharing a book (or the opportunity to get a book) with someone is one of the kindest things we can do!  Affiliated Agent M of Hilliard, Ohio, is a girl after my own heart.

Date: Monday, 16 August 2010

Location: library; Hilliard, Ohio

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Affiliated Agent M is bursting at the seams!

I am just elated and overjoyed ... my heart hasn't stopped dancing.  I completed my first "official" SAL mission on August 16, 2010, 6:00 p.m., Hilliard, Ohio.

My husband and I brainstormed for ideas to do for a RAK mission.  I thought wouldn't it be awesome if a person going to pick up an item at the library received a random-act-of-kindness.  An unanticipated nicety that enables the "finder" to feel special, to smile, to inspire them to spread kindness to another, to pay it forward.

I placed $5.00 in a card, with an affirmation and personal note from me:  "There is nothing better on a beautiful day then relaxing with a good book on the banks of a river, in a lounge chair, or under a shade tree.  May this Random Act of Kindness make that come true for you, just because!"

The gift was placed inside of a slot where books are waiting to be picked up by those who have reserved items from the library online.

I can't wait to complete my next mission!

Affiliated Agent M

I love it, lady!  A simple act of kindness can make all the difference.  Glad you had fun!


Molly said...

what a cool idea! this blog is so great. who wouldn't love to be surprised with some kindness!


Anonymous said...

The RAK's are addictive and I find myself doing at least one or two "missions" a week ... so many new ideas ... one sincere little gesture can bring "sunshine" into another person's day and that in turn will affect all those around them, and so on, and so on. Once the "seeds" of positivity are planted, the fruits of it will spread all over.
Affiliated Agent M